Refund policy

Return & Exchange policy 退換及退款

All mattresses and bedding accessories are non-exchangeable and non-refundable.


For details please refer below section "Terms & Conditions of Sales".


Terms & Conditions of Sales 銷售條款

1.Delivery & Title 送貨服務
 1.1 All deposit for ordered goods shall be kept for maximum of 3 months (for multiple deposit payments, the 3 months period shall be counted starting from the date of first deposit). Shall customer fail to complete the purchase with balance payment and take possess of the ordered good(s) within the 3 months period, all deposit will be considered to be forfeited by the customer and the company (Mometum Furniture Ltd. ) shall not be required to deliver the goods.

  1. Delivery of goods will be arranged only after full payment is settled with the company.

 1.3 Mometum Furniture Ltd. undertakes to store goods for customer for a period of 1 month (30 days) from the agreed delivery date free of charge. A charge of HK$400 per piece per month will be charged beyond the 1-month period (15 days or more shall be counted as 1 month). Customer is required to settle the all the payments so incurred before delivery of goods.


 1.4 Mometum Furniture Ltd. provides delivery of goods to customers in Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories, except Discovery Bay, Ma Wan and outlining islands.
 An extra toll of HK$180 will be charged for delivery to Discovery Bay and HK$100 for delivery to Ma Wan. For residents of outlying islands, the company will deliver to the designated ferry pier on Hong Kong Island for pick up.
本公司提供送貨服務至香港、九龍、新界 ( 愉景灣、馬灣和離島除外 )。如送貨至愉景灣需加收港幣HK$180過橋費,送貨至馬灣需加收港幣$100過橋費,如送貨至離島,本公司將把商品送到香港島的渡輪碼頭。

1.5 For goods which cannot be delivered by truck or lifts and require physical delivery, a delivery charge for each furniture for each floor will be required an extra $200. The delivery charge should be paid to the delivery crew in cash only. Any special delivery arrangements should be checked with the company sales person in advance.



 1.6 No delivery services provided on Sundays or Public Holidays.

 1.7 Should the company be unable to deliver the sold goods, Mometum Furniture Ltd. 's liability will be limited to refund of payment received only.


 1.8 For cancellation or re-scheduling of any delivery date, at least two working days’ notice is required (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) or else a service charge of HK$200 shall be charged.


 1.9 No deliveries will be possible, for the date(s) and the immediate working day after, when typhoon signal No. 8 is hoisted or a black rainstorm warning is in effect. If this is the case, delivery date will be re-scheduled.


 1.10 Title to goods will only pass on payment for the goods in full to customer.


2. Return & Exchange退貨與退款政策

 2.1 The customer is obliged to inspect and receive all items listed on the invoices and relevant delivery notes upon delivery of the goods. Any subsequent claims for damage, shortage and loss of parts/accessories will not be accepted by Mometum Furniture Ltd. 

客戶在收貨時有責任檢查並確認清楚發票及相關送貨單上列出的所有項目。本公司恕不接受收貨之後所發現的破損、差異或遺失零件 / 配件之索償。

 2.2 For custom-made orders, no refund or size alteration is allowed after the order has been confirmed by the customer.


 2.3 Product dimensions are measured in centimeters. Sizes are nominal and are subject to a tolerance of ± 1.27cm.


 2.4 Mometum Furniture Ltd. does not accept returns of delivered goods under any circumstances after acknowledgement of receipts (except due to manufacturing faults and as provided by product warranty).


 2.5 Any returned goods can only be exchanged for goods of the same or higher value and the customer is liable to pay the difference for any higher valued item. No credit will be given for exchange of goods of lower value.


 2.6 An administration charge of HK$800 will occur if :

如發生以下情況,本公司均須收取港幣$800行政費 :
 (a) Warranty service is claimed and return / exchange of goods is required (per Warranty Card);
保用服務之運輸費由客人負責 (詳情請參照保修卡);

 (b) A return or exchange of goods (except due to manufacturing faults) is granted;

 (c) A customer cancels delivery / fail to receive the goods on schedule;


 2.7 Cancel Order訂單取消

 (a) Should customer insist to cancel an order (excluding custom-made order mentioned at 2.2), an administration charge 3% will occur.


 (b) The company does not accept cancellations of confirmed credit card installment payment plans. Should the customer insist on canceling a confirmed credit card installment payment, a cancellation fee of 6% of the order amount will be payable by the customer.

本公司恕不接受取消已經確定的信用卡分期付款計劃。若客戶堅持取消已確認的信用卡分期付款,客戶需支付訂單金額的 6% 為手續費。

 2.8 Any goods to be delivered to the customer shall be at the customer’s own risk from the date of delivery of such goods to the customer.
所有交付給顧客 ( 或顧客委托指定之收貨人 )的商品後,自簽收之日起,風險由客戶自行承擔。

3. Delivery & Installation of Bedframe 貨品送貨及安裝

3.1 Installation of furniture (all kinds of furniture) must be carried out at the same time of its delivery.


 3.2 If installation not allowed upon delivery, separate installation service charge: HK$800 per set. Mometum Furniture Ltd. is not responsible for any damage before installation.

 3.3 To minimize disturbance caused, it is the customer’s responsibility to ensure the area for the furniture is empty in advance.。


 3.4 Mometum Furniture Ltd. cannot be responsible for the moving or relocation of the furniture(s) on the designated area. Customers are kindly requested to remove any old furniture in advance.


4. On-site visit Charge – HK$500 per visit. On-site Visit schedule : Monday - Friday (10:00am - 5:00pm)
每次上門檢查或上門度尺收費港幣$500 上門服務時間:星期一至星期五(上午10:00至下午5:00)。

5. Warranty Service only available in Hong Kong, it does not cover product shipped outside of HKSAR. Full details available at

6. Governing Law-The above-mentioned terms and conditions shall be governed and constructed under the laws of Hong Kong.

In the event of any conflict between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail, to the extent of any conflict.




關於送貨  Shipping Policy

1.    送貨流程

  • 訂單跟進至送貨時間: 2  7個工作天
  • 只提供送貨服務,不設到店自取

2.    配送需知

2.1  配送住宅需知

  • 客人付款後,如貨品充足,於第2個工作天便會準備貨品
  • 下午由運輸」收貨及準備配送
  • 運輸員會於7天內派送到戶
  • 派送前,運輸員可能會先致電或SMS予客人通知
  • 假如未能聯絡客人  客人未能收貨,運輸員或會先將貨品回倉
  • 然後運輸公司會再致電/ SMS予客人,重新安排送貨時間

2.2   配送工業大廈或商業大廈需知

  • 客人付款後,如貨品充足,第3個工作天早上我們便會準備貨品
  • 下午由外判運輸收貨
  • 之後運輸員會於第4-7個工作天10:30  17:00開始派送
  • 派送前,運輸可能會先致電或SMS予客人通知
  • 假如未能聯絡客人/ 未能收貨,運輸會先將貨品回倉
  • 然後運輸公司會再致電/ SMS予客人,重新安排送貨時間

2.3   配送離島地區需知

  • 馬灣/愉景灣必需為 星期二、四、六12:00-16:00
  • 東涌區送貨時間為 星期二、四、六16:00-22:30
  • 長洲及梅窩:未能安排送貨服務